•  September 7, 2016 - December 14, 2016
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

This Squad is for talented players who show a strong desire and enthusiasm for improving their game in a challenging environment and is by invitation only. The first half of this session will focus on training for improvements in technique, footwork and court sense and the second half will consist of putting this into practice under competitive conditions using training games and matchplay.
Please only sign up if you have been invited to attend this specific session by Head Coach Luis Perez.
We are always interested in adding new talented, enthusiastic and committed players to our performance squads. In order for your child to trial for a Lifetime Tennis Junior Performance Squad, please contact Luis directly at luis@lifetimetennis.co.uk .
Please note: Many of our performance training squads are currently full with our regular players, however we can add players to our waiting list and let you know of future opportunities.

Players that show a good level of natural ability are invited to join this squad if they also show the potential to excel in the following areas:

– Players show a willingness to put in maximum effort into their training sessions
– Players show a motivation to compete and enjoy taking on challenging sports environments
– Players can follow directions and productively take on board feedback from coaches
– Players maintain high level of sportsmanship and are motivated to work together in a team environment with other squad players

We will of course develop all areas of the game of tennis (forehand, backhand, volleys, serves, gameplay and tactical awareness) throughout the term. However players will be challenged more and will be progressed through stages of development quicker then in our regular sessions.

As there is limited space on this class if it fills to capacity you can be added to a waiting list by emailing admin@lifetimetennis.co.uk


100 Priory Lane, Roehampton, London, SW15 5JQ, United Kingdom


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