September 11, 2016 - December 18, 2016
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Mini Red Development Squad (Invitation Only) is a class put together by inviting the best players from our Mini red pool of players.
Lifetime Tennis Mini Red Program is delivered on a Red courts, Low pressure Red balls and modified shorter rackets are also used to help develop the players using the Orange system. We look to develop tennis technique for all base strokes such as, forehand, backhand, volley and serve, and some basic tactical preparation is also introduced. Tennis specific physical exercises are incorporated into the program to start to meet the physical demands of tennis. Players are also strongly encouraged to learn through gaining success using their own understanding of relevant exercises. Tactical components and competition are also introduced appropriate for each level of player.
Please note: If you would like to become a FREE British Tennis member with our club you can do so as part of your registration for this course. Benefits include entry into the Wimbledon ticket ballot and being able to compete using a British Tennis rating (optional). By checking ‘yes’ to British Tennis membership on your registration form you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions.
Venue: Barnes / Putney - Barn Elms Sports Centre (Court 5, 6 & 7)
(Note: There are many tennis facilities nearby, our club is at the very end on Queen Elizabeth Walk next to Beach Volleyball courts)