Lifetime Tennis is always intersted in hearing from enthusiastic coaches, with all levels of experience that want to get involved with developing British Tennis at our London tennis centres. We are recruiting for 2011 and are happy to hear from coaches that have a current LTA licence, a passion for the game and the commitment to working both on and off court to develop strong club and community links in order to help our programs continue to expand throughout London.
Full CV's with all previous work experience and qualifications should be emailed to James Webber on the email at the bottom of the page.
Lifetime Tennis run a scheme for allowing experienced tennis players to become involved in delivering its community tennis program. All prospective volunteers are vetted using the LTA CRB and reference checks and are required to be involved in gaining there Level 1 Tennis Assisstant qualification. Email James Webber on the below email address.
Youth Volunteers
Many Lifetime Tennis junior players 15 years plus have completed work experience with us for school, for credits towards their Duke of Edinborough Award or for other Community programs. Juniors can participate in the LTA's junior tennis leaders award scheme which involves gaining the Competition Leader's Certificate. Junior players, guardians or schools that would like more information about participating in these programs should contact James Webber directly on the below email contact.
James Webber email: .