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Junior Development Squad Membership
1 September 2018 - 31 August 2019

Barn Elms Sports Centre
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Junior Development Club Membership

Development Club Membership 2018-19
Barn Elms Sports Centre

**Note: All current players participating in 1.5hr squads receive complimentary membership benefits until 1 September, 2018. The idea behind our new membership is to encourage as many playing opportunities as possible from our Development squad players age 8-12 years. The improvement that occurs from playing multiple times per week cannot be overemphasised and we are hoping our new Development Club helps in achieving this.
Open to all of Lifetime Tennis players participating in 1.5 hour (or more) squad per week.

Member Benefits
– First 1.5hrs squad at standard rates
– 50% discount on the 2nd or 3rd squad that is attended by players.
– 50% off Matchplay Events (Summer Term and first half of autumn term)
– Free Matchplay Events for any players attending 2 or more squads per week (Summer Term and first half of autumn term)
– Membership ‘Shoe tags’, allowing free court time at Barn Elms between 4-7pm Mon-Fri during the summer term.

This means that a Development Squad member attending 2 x’s Squads per week plus a Matchplay event will only pay £21 per week for 5.5 hrs of coaching and matchplay. As a comparison, this is less than half the cost of a 1 hr private lesson. Luis and James have been wanting to start this membership for some time and we are happy to finally be able to make it happen in 2018. We hope many of your children are able to benefit from this in the future.